Sunday, September 13, 2009

9/14 -

AM - Crossfit

Goal: Strength and muscular endurance. Weights we are dealing with are going to be heavy but will be well within the realm of what you are capable of pushing. Focus on A tight core with the overhead squats. These are really core exercises in disguise. Your legs are going to be plenty strong to pump these out, but your shoulders (in that good active position) and your core won't be able to support a lot of repitions. Remember too that a great indicator of fitness is the ability to to 15 body weight overhead squats. L-Pullups will be the limiting factor here, but very important for the core stability you will need.

4 Rounds
10 1.5 pood goblet squats
Run 200m

Strength: 3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squats

10 rounds
6 thruster at 60% max
6 L pullup

PM - Operation Sea Beast

Goals: Endurance and hip flexor strength

200 yards warmup

5x 100 Fr/IM with 10 pushups in between

5 x
:30/:30 vertical kicking drills hands at (side/out of water/on head)
:30/1:00 sculling

500 yards aquajog

150 yard fin
20 flutter kicks

Optional: 5 x overunders (25 yard sprint, 25 yard underwater)
5 x giant stride entry to mask recovery

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dude this site is sweet! The workouts are tough! When are you gonna make a ladies section.
